Home, home, where I wanted to go


1. Are you romantic person? 

- Sort of, I guess - well, starting from Titanic being my favourite movie since I was something like five years old.. I'm not a flowers and chocolate-kind of girl, I just love everyday romantics (like if I had a boyfriend, that he'd cook sometimes, and maybe buy me a can of my favourite cider on a Saturday night). I also want to believe in real love, the kind you only experience once in a lifetime, and nothing else really matters.

2. What's your earliest childhood memory? 

- I can not remember. Probably some sort of bullying-experiences, or the fact how much I loved my daddy when I was a kid.

3. Do you like to read? What's your favorite book?

- I love reading, but nowadays I don't do it as often as I would like to. My favourite book must be "Choke" by Chuck Palahniuk, excellent underground/kinky/mental writing, but I also love Charles Bukowski, Jack Kerouac, William S. Burroughs and anything beat really, and also one of my very, very favourites is Irvine Welsh.  

4. If you could change something about yourself, what would it be & why? 

- Probably my looks and my self-esteem. I would change my body to not to be skinny or fat, but just a bit chubby and curvy as hell (big boobs and a great ass! with longer legs, ty), and well, actually, I'd change all my outer looks. Because I hate them.

5. What country would you like to visit? 

- Italy, Greece, Germany (again), Scotland, Spain, Portugal, the States, Mexico.. I would love to go everywhere, and recently I've found a lust in me to visit more exotic countries, like India. Before all I wanted was to have some city holidays in Europe (= I only wanted to travel to London, haha). I was planning to save until Autumn so I could travel to England or Scotland, but we'll see. Someplace like Italy or Spain sounds like a really good plan too.

6. Describe what a good friend means to you? 

- Reliable, good imagination, excellent sense of humour; just him or her being with the same level with me. Age and looks have never mattered, but the way that they behave, do they listen to me, do I feel like listening to them, can they sense empathy, do they judge me by the way I look, do we just simply get along.. Very hard to describe, but just being on the same level and having a good sense of humour does it.

7. Do you remember your dreams when you wake up? Do you see often nightmares? 

- Since I started the sleeping meds I've seen a lot more dreams than before, mostly nice ones or the kind of dreams you don't really know about - they're sort of nightmares, but sort of nice, really. I love dreams and the fact that nowadays I see them more often. Kissy, lusty, yeah I just jizzed in my pants -sort of dreams are my favourites, and the ones where I'm escaping all night long I like the least.

8. TV or computer? Why? 

- Computer, because you can write, use internet, play games and watch TV programs. Oh c'mon, computer beats it all!

9. Do you believe in soul mates? 

- I want to do so, yes. I feel like I've met a couple of people who could be my soulmates, but our lives have just drawn us separate for reason or another. And I think soulmates can fade too - then you just find a new soulmate, or spend a few years without a soulmate just to find the one you had before again. And like I told you in question number one, I truly want to believe in true love, which means finding the perfect soulmate to me. 

10. What's your dream job? 
- Being a journalist would be great, but I know I will never become a one - I'd love to, but I'm not talented enough. I'd love to be a politician, too, if I could make any change or things better.

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